UNICRI’s Director named Chairperson of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council

Over 1,000 of the world’s leading experts will develop ideas and proposals in more than 50 thematic areas of international cooperation

Mr. Sandro Calvani, Director of UNICRI, has been named Chairperson of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade, along with Mr. Jack Chang, Vice Chairman of the aforementioned Council.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an independent international organization striving towards a world-class corporate governance system based not only on rules, but also with a strong emphasis on values. The Forum’s motto is “entrepreneurship in the global public interest”. At the core of the Organization is the belief that economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible. The Forum’s objective, therefore, is to become the creative force shaping global, regional and industrial challenges, a leader for organizations in building and energizing global communities, and a catalyst of choice for communities undertaking global initiatives to improve the state the world.

The Global Agenda Councils on various topics, including Illicit Trade, will be the main intellectual drivers of the Global Redesign Initiative (GRI). This WEF initiative was launched during the Annual Meeting in 2009, as an unprecedented global, multi-stakeholder dialogue aimed at assembling recommendations from the Forum’s communities on improvements needed in the field of international cooperation. Over 1,000 of the world’s leading experts will develop ideas and proposals in more than 50 thematic areas of international cooperation.

Last year, the Council decided to focus on four key areas, which will constitute the basis for the Global Agenda Report and for a more comprehensive report on illicit trade. These key areas are:

Mapping the extent of various forms of illicit trade and the interconnections among them;
Exposing the networks that enable illicit trade to flourish and the links between organized crime and terrorist groups;
Describing the impacts of illicit trade on the corporate world, on efforts to improve governance and on international development;
Exploring the impact of the current financial crisis on illicit trade.

In the upcoming year, the Council will work on:

The Global Agenda Report – an overview of existing challenges related to illicit trade and recommendations on how to deal with them;
The Report on the Global Redesign Initiative – an analysis of the current gaps in global governance and international cooperation related to illicit trade;
Highlighting, through the Forum’s events, the important issues related to illicit trade on the global agenda.

The Council will also be working on the Report on the Global Redesign Initiative, which will address the following questions: What are the weaknesses of global institutions and regulations in the field of illicit trade? What can be realistically done to address these shortcomings? And what actors should be involved in addressing these shortcomings?

Experts and researcher of the Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade


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